Friday 18 May 2012

Stage 4 - initial recovery & getting mobile.

So there I am 23 December 2009 with a new prosthesis fitting. You don't get the leg home with u 1st time u try it, you need to see physiotherapist 1st. So off I went to limb centre on Christmas Eve determined to persuade the physio that I could take the leg home to walk into my mother-in-laws house for christmas dinner.
I must be very persuasive cos I came home with the leg. Christmas day was extra special - and then the snow fell! I was housebound for 3 weeks as ambulance transport couldn't get to my house. In those 3 weeks I taught myself how to do things. The physio came out to the house to see me & said I could start to increase the length of time I was wearing the leg. So by the time I was back in the limb centre I was wearing the leg for the majority of the time.
My mobility was improving all the time but what they don't tell u is that the stump shrinks. It can take up to 18 months to 2 years to be in it's final state. So every time u shrink enough, u need to be recast for a new socket . By March 2010, I was on socket no 2, had just been recast for socket no 3 and was ready to get back out & drive. I was lucky, my brother-in-law, had driven automatics (I already had an automatic car) so he took me somewhere quiet to get to grips with driving with my left foot rather than my right, as is usual.
I also took a major step and returned to work in April 2010. Initially started at 3 hours a day with a gradual build up of time. R
Next time will talk about the inbetween years. I promise I won't take so long to publish!

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